Notice Board
  • 24/06/15
    Welcome to PK College.
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  1. The College library, Establishment section, Academic Section,Exam-Section & Accounts Section are going to be computerised. The students will get knowledge about the position of the books in the library from the computer in the library section.
  2. The history of the college and other important matters will also be published in the college website in the college.
  3. The students common room is managed by the members of teaching staff,nominated by the Principal. The students may relax during their leisure. They may communicate their problems to the staff attached to such facility like indoor games and news papers etc.
  4. The college Calendar- The official bullentin called "The college Calendar" containing various information regarding the college is published under the authority of the Principal Annually. It is started from 2014.
  5. There is a propose to the U.G.C for the Remedial classes in different subjects. In the coming days, the students will have such opportunity to have the Remedial classes for their overall developments in the academic matter and also for their future planning to stand up themselves.